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2022 Annual Report

The Golden Gate Area Council (GGAC) has made great strides forward in 2022 to deliver Scouting’s values to young people. Thank you to our 5000 + volunteers and all of our donors for your contributions that have enabled our membership to grow as we serve over 13,000 youth members. Your gifts of time, talent, and treasure help to shape lives. The 2022 Annual Report highlights the past year and provides the framework to achieve success in 2023. 4000 youth attended one of our premier summer camps. 528 young people became Eagle Scouts.
The GGAC Executive Board has maintained a solid financial footing while weathering the National Council bankruptcy. We are excited to message, loud and clear, that Scouting has never been safer or more important than in the post-COVID era. 
The Key 3 and the GGAC Executive Board is committed to achieving greater success in the coming year. We will grow our membership towards our goal of 20,000 youth served. We are establishing development practices to ensure our legacy with major gifts. We are filling our summer camps and will increase how we advertise Scouting on social media and streaming platforms.
We can’t achieve this success without your continued support. Take a look at 2022’s achievements below. Thank you. 

Tom Weibert

Council President

Mike Hale

Scout Executive

Michael Allison

Council Commissioner


In 2022, we grew our membership above the national average: 

GGAC +4.3%  |   National  +3%

We expanded our ScoutReach program by 369 Youth and 10 new programs.

Our Total Membership:
Youth  13,184  | Adults  5,466


Our 5 camps offer a variety of resident and day camp programs, from Cubs to High Adventure, with amazing and FUN opportunities for all.


Our Scouting programs are supported by 5,446 adult volunteers. 

Poster recognizing 2022 fundraising events


Thank you to all who contributed so generously to this grand total

$ 0



Eagle Scouts


Scouts BSA Rank Advancements


Cub Scouts Rank Advancement


Merit Badges Earned

Apara Sai Jella
National Eagle Scout Project of the Year Award

Citizen in Society patch

Citizenship in Society

400+ Scouts have earned this new Eagle Scout required merit badge.

Over 100 Facilitators have been trained.

Community Service

Scouting for Food

We collected 189,845 pounds of food

Service Hours

Our youth performed 121,364 hours of community service

Eagle Projects

Our Eagle Scouts contributed 78,644 service hours 

Women in Scouting

Color Outside the Lines

for Women, Girls, Allies, and Champions. 87 people from 12 councils and the National Council attended the first of its kind conference from Dec 2-4, 2022.

How to verify an out of Council Merit Badge Counselor.

First, try to connect the Scout and counselor in Scoutbook. If that is successful, the counselor is registered and qualified. If unsuccessful, go to the counselor’s home council and search for their Advancement Administrators. Most will have an email address for either the Council Advancement Committee or Professional Advisor. Send an email asking if the counselor has been registered and qualified for the merit badge(s) in question and the status of their Youth Protection Training. Ask California councils if the counselor has completed AB506 training and LiveScan. The unit leader’s “blue card” signature verifies their counselor credentials verification.


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow