

The popcorn sale is not just about selling popcorn . . . it’s also about promoting Scouting!

Popcorn banner


Position specific training for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.

Poster promoting trained youth leaders


Every Pack or Den overnight outdoor event must have at least one BALOO-trained adult.

Saturday, 9/28 | 8:00am to Sunday 9/29 | 2:00pm
at Camp Herms


This training will help you provide the best possible quality program for your youth!

This is a 3 day course occurring over two weekends. Day 1 is a classroom session in San Leandro. Days 2-3 are outdoors – including overnight camping –  at Rancho Los Mochos 


September 27-28, 2024
Solano County Fairgrounds

AdvanceCamp provides scouts with the opportunity to complete advancement begun at another scout event, to start and complete advancement with the completion of all requirements during the camp, or to begin work on and make a contact with a counselor to complete a merit badge at a later time.


Trail’s End Popcorn Registration is

Don’t miss out on this risk-free fundraising opportunity. Individual Scouts can sell if their parent serves as their popcorn kernel.

Not a Popcorn Kernel for your Unit? No problem! Register your Unit and add other Unit Leaders, including your new Kernel to the Unit within the Trail’s End system. 

ALERT – click for details 

Full Closure of Southbound I-680 in Pleasanton between Alcosta Boulevard in San Ramon and I-580/I-680 Connector in Pleasanton September 20-23, 2024 
(In Case of Rain, Closure Will be Rescheduled)

Follow a link below to see what’s going on . . . 

Camping, Activities, Training & Resources

Camping, Activities, Training & Resources

Camping, Activities, Training & Resources

Camping, Activities, Training & Resources

Activities, Awards, Gatherings

Donations, Special Events, Endowments

Nap on Safety

How to verify an out of Council Merit Badge Counselor.

First, try to connect the Scout and counselor in Scoutbook. If that is successful, the counselor is registered and qualified. If unsuccessful, go to the counselor’s home council and search for their Advancement Administrators. Most will have an email address for either the Council Advancement Committee or Professional Advisor. Send an email asking if the counselor has been registered and qualified for the merit badge(s) in question and the status of their Youth Protection Training. Ask California councils if the counselor has completed AB506 training and LiveScan. The unit leader’s “blue card” signature verifies their counselor credentials verification.


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow