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A Scout is Reverent

A Scout is reverent. They are reverent toward God. They are faithful in their religious duties and respect the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion. To encourage Cub Scouts, Scouts, and Venturers to grow stronger in their faith, religious groups have developed religious emblems programs. BSA has approved these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official uniform. The programs are administered by the various faith groups.

Religious Emblems

Scouts who are interested in earning a religious emblem must take the initiative to start the process by contacting the religious institution, faith leader, or their unit’s Religious Emblems Coordinator.

Scouts, or Cub Scout parents, should obtain the booklet for their specific faith award. Each program sets its own guidelines as to who may serve as counselor, approve awards, and order the emblems. Awards are not available from BSA or the Scout Shop.

Religious Relations & Activities Committee

The Religious Relations and Activities Committee for the Golden Gate Area Council serves to promote awareness and participation in the “Duty to God” components of the Scouting program and its faith partners. The committee actively works to promote faith-based programs and initiatives throughout the Council. The members of the committee represent faith and civic organizations that partner with the Boy Scouts of America. The following members are available to assist scouts, parents, and units.

CatholicSkip PhairEmail
IslamicImam Shadman AhmedEmail
JewishHerb LedermanEmail
ProtestantJim JensenEmail

Unit Duty to God Support

There are many ways to show reverence and Duty to God in scouting.  Each rank has an element of reverence and every unit has a position devoted to encouraging youth to uphold the twelve points to the Scout Law and promote the various Religious Emblems Programs. Units are encouraged to have Chaplains, Chaplain Aides, and Religious Emblems Coordinators. <Duty to God Promotion Patch>

Units should have a Religious Emblems Coordinator on their committee. The responsibility of the coordinator is to educate, motivate, evaluate, and facilitate the religious emblems program at the unit level. In addition to serving on the unit committee, a key function of the position is to serve as the liaison to district or council coordinators. <Religious Emblems Coordinators Resources>

The Scout BSA troop or Venture crew Chaplain is an adult member of the clergy or layperson appointed by the charter organization. A chartered organization for a unit not operated by a religious organization is encouraged to select a unit chaplain from among religious leaders in the community. Duties of the unit chaplain include being a spiritual leader for the troop.  Along with the chaplain aide, sets a “spiritual tone” for meetings and activities, encourages time for spiritual reflection, promotes prayer as well as Grace at meals. <Manual for Chaplains and Chaplain Aides>

The Chaplain Aide is an approved youth leadership position in Scout BSA troops and Venturing crews. They educate Scouts about the religious emblems programs, make sure religious holidays are properly observed, and plan for Scout reverent troop activities. The Chaplain Aide assists the Unit Chaplain if there is one. <Manual for Chaplains and Chaplain Aides>

Scout Sunday, Scout Sabbath & Scout Jumu'ah

Each year on February 8, the Boy Scouts of America celebrates its birthday. It is a date officially known as Scouting Anniversary Day, and it is the primary date to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting.

Through a trio of faith-based celebrations known as Scout Sunday, Scout Sabbath and Scout Jumu’ah, young people in Scouting can give back to their religious communities. The exact dates may vary, but each one is an opportunity for Scouts to publicly demonstrate the 12th point of the Scout Law: A Scout is Reverent. It can be particularly meaningful when the Scout unit itself is chartered by a religious organization, and the Scouts and leaders of the unit use the occasion to recognize that support.

Scout Sunday Calendars & Resources

What does that look like? It might mean an act as simple as wearing the full field uniform to worship services. It might mean participating in services by doing a reading, singing a song, or presenting religious emblems and awards to Scouts and Scouters. Or it might be something as grand as a service project to benefit a religious organization in the community. <Helpful hints for Scouting Anniversary >

General Information

GGAC Refund Policy

The Golden Gate Area Council has instituted a refund policy to ensure our Scouts receive high quality programs & activities.  A great deal of advanced planning and purchasing takes place for programs and events of the Golden Gate Area Council during the months and weeks prior to an event.


The Council will refund up to 100% of the costs for any event it cancels. In order to maintain the most cost effective and positive program impact activity, camping, and event refunds of 100% cannot be given.  Refunds are not given for No-Shows, schedule conflicts, weather conditions, or behavior issues occurring before or during the event. Refunds are considered based upon the following criteria and timeline and are returned to the person or entity and in the manner in which they were received. 


Time Until Start of Event

Percentage Refund

Up to 14 days prior

80% refund

Up to 7 days prior

60% refund

7 days or less

No refund*

*Participants who cancel from an event within 7 days will be considered for up to a 60% refund if the refund request is accompanied by a Doctor’s note.  Requests under these circumstances will not be considered if not received at the Council Service Center less than 14 days after the start of the event.

The Golden Gate Area Council believes each Scout should be given every opportunity to attend Camp. At times it can be hard for a family to raise the money, and Camperships can help cover part of the cost of a week of Camp for Golden Gate Area Council members attending one of the Golden Gate Area Council Camps. Campership applications are due by March 27th for continuing Scouts and May 29th for newly bridged Arrow of Light Scouts.

Due to the need for Staff time off, Saturday arrivals are NOT allowed.

ALL of our Camps are CLOSED and the Staff is off duty from 11:00 AM on Saturday to 11:00AM on Sunday each weekend. 

No Troop……..No Problem! You don’t have to miss out on all the fun just because your troop isn’t going to summer camp or because other summer plans mean you won’t be able to go to camp with your Troop. You may even want to do an additional week of camp just because you had such a great time.


New Friends…….New Experiences!  Provisional Camping is just like camping with your home troop, except you’ll have the opportunity to camp with new friends as you join Scouts from all over the council and beyond. You’ll meet new people and have the opportunity to develop friendships that can last a lifetime. Provisional Scouts will partner with a selected Golden Gate Area Council Troop with an experienced leader. You’ll have a full time Scoutmaster for the week that, just like your Scoutmaster back home, will make sure you have a safe and fun camp experience. Provisional scouts can participate in all of the camp’s exciting programs including advancement, competitions, and patrol events. It’s a great way to finish additional Merit Badges, or to try a new part of the program that you weren’t able to try before.


  1. First-year summer campers cannot attend as Provisional. Youth must have attended at least one Summer Camp at the camp prior to this year.
  2. We will contact you after receipt of your reservation to coordinate registration into specific camp programs, get health forms, emergency contact info, permission slips, etc…
  3. Adults attending with provisional Scouts must pay a leader fee.

SO, sign up now if you’d like to attend camp as part of the provisional camping program!

Provisional Camping is the creation of a temporary Troop or an opportunity to work with another unit. Provisional camping allows youth to attend camp without their home unit. Provisional camping is not new; it is used during many different Scouting events including National Jamborees and High Adventure trips.

The Scout’s family is responsible for transportation to and from Camp. Please contact the Golden Gate Area Council Camping and Outdoor Programs Department ([email protected]) for questions or more information.

How to verify an out of Council Merit Badge Counselor.

First, try to connect the Scout and counselor in Scoutbook. If that is successful, the counselor is registered and qualified. If unsuccessful, go to the counselor’s home council and search for their Advancement Administrators. Most will have an email address for either the Council Advancement Committee or Professional Advisor. Send an email asking if the counselor has been registered and qualified for the merit badge(s) in question and the status of their Youth Protection Training. Ask California councils if the counselor has completed AB506 training and LiveScan. The unit leader’s “blue card” signature verifies their counselor credentials verification.


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