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Every Scouting unit has access to Scoutbook – a web-based tool for managing and tracking Scout advancement. it’s a BSA-owned app and it’s completely free for all BSA units. Scoutbook features data to track your merit badge and advancement requirements. Other capabilities include: Leadership & Activity tracking (including an option for event permission slips), unit rosters, calendar, with support for ical (.ics format),  payment log, email, ability to send/receive messages, send photos to leaders and merit badge counselors for advancement correspondence, and a unit forum feature. For unit leaders, check this link: Setting up Scoutbook


In addition, our Council hosts the Merit Badge counselor list on Scoutbook. So even if you choose not to use it for advancement tracking you should ensure appropriate unit leaders have access to view the Merit Badge Counselor Database.

Are you a Scout or a Parent of a Scout? Try out the Scouting Mobile App for Individual Advancement tracking. This free app is available for both iPhone and Android devices. Search for “Scouting BSA” in the Apple App Store or Google Play and download today!

We have a Council Scoutbook E-mail list which will notify you of changes and great new features: Subscribe

Feature Assistant

There is a browser extension – Feature Assistant – that adds functionality to Scoutbook. It works in Chrome or Firefox: 

More information

Additional Help sources

Scoutbook has an extensive knowledge base for Scoutbook and Internet Advancement: Scoutbook Help Files

Scoutbook support is available via email at: Scoutbook Support

And, for local support, email Council’s Scoutbook champion: Ron Fedele

How to verify an out of Council Merit Badge Counselor.

First, try to connect the Scout and counselor in Scoutbook. If that is successful, the counselor is registered and qualified. If unsuccessful, go to the counselor’s home council and search for their Advancement Administrators. Most will have an email address for either the Council Advancement Committee or Professional Advisor. Send an email asking if the counselor has been registered and qualified for the merit badge(s) in question and the status of their Youth Protection Training. Ask California councils if the counselor has completed AB506 training and LiveScan. The unit leader’s “blue card” signature verifies their counselor credentials verification.


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