
Arrow of Light & Webelos

Elective Adventures


Webelos and Arrow of Light Aquanaut Elective Adventure Pin

Complete Requirements 1-4 and at least two others.

  1. State the safety precautions you need to take before doing any water activity.
  2. Discuss the importance of learning the skills you need to know before going boating.
  3. Explain the meaning of “order of rescue” and demonstrate the reach and throw rescue techniques from land.
  4. Attempt the BSA swimmer test.
  5. Demonstrate the precautions you must take before attempting to dive headfirst into the water, and attempt a front surface dive.
  6. Learn and demonstrate two of the following strokes: crawl, sidestroke, breaststroke, or elementary backstroke.
  7. Invite a current or former lifeguard, or member of a rescue squad, the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy, or other armed forces branch who has had swimming and rescue training to your den meeting. Find out what training and other experiences this person has had.
  8. Demonstrate how to correctly fasten a life jacket that is the right size for you. Jump into water over your head. Swim 25 feet wearing the life jacket. Get out of the water, remove the life jacket, and hang it where it will dry.
  9. If you are a qualified swimmer, select a paddle of the proper size, and paddle a canoe with an adult’s supervision.

Art Explosion

Webelos and Arrow of Light Art Explosion Elective Adventure Pin

Complete the following Requirements.

  1. Prepare yourself to join a troop by completing at least a-c below:
    1. Repeat from memory the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout motto, and Scout slogan. In your own words, explain their meanings to your den leader, parent, or guardian.
    2. Explain what Scout spirit is. Describe for your den leader, parent, or guardian some ways you have shown Scout spirit by conducting yourself according to the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout motto, and Scout slogan.
    3. Give the Scout sign, salute, and handshake. Explain when to use each.
    4. Describe the First Class Scout badge, and tell what each part stands for. Explain the significance of the First Class Scout badge.
    5. Repeat from memory the Pledge of Allegiance. In your own words, explain its meaning
  2. Visit a troop meeting with your parent or guardian and, if possible, with your den members and leaders. After the meeting, do the following:
    1. Describe how the Scouts in the troop provide its leadership.
    2. Describe the four steps of Scout advancement.
    3. Describe ranks in Scouting and how they are earned.
    4. Describe what merit badges are and how they are earned.
  3. Practice the patrol method in your den for one month by doing the following:
    1. Explain the patrol method. Describe the types of patrols that might be part of a  troop.
    2. Hold an election to choose the patrol leader.
    3. Develop a patrol name and emblem (if your den does not already have one), as well as a patrol flag and yell. Explain how a patrol name, emblem, flag, and yell create patrol spirit.
    4. As a patrol, make plans to participate in a troop’s campout or other outdoor activity.
  4. With your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian, participate in a troop’s campout or other outdoor activity. Use the patrol method while on the outing.
  5. Do the following:
    1. Show how to tie a square knot, two half hitches, and a taut-line hitch. Explain how each knot is used.
    2. Show the proper care of a rope by learning how to whip and fuse the ends of different kinds of rope.
  6. Demonstrate your knowledge of the pocketknife safety rules and the pocketknife pledge. If you have not already done so, earn your Whittling Chip card.

Aware and Care

Webelos and Arrow of Light Aware and Care Elective Adventure Pin

Complete the following requirements.

  1. Develop an awareness of the challenges of the blind or visually impaired through participation in an activity that simulates blindness or visual impairment. Alternatively, participate in an activity that simulates the challenges of being deaf or hard of hearing.
  2. Engage in an activity that simulates mobility impairment. Alternatively, take part in an activity that simulates dexterity impairment.
  3. With your den, participate in an activity that focuses on the acceptance of differences in general.
  4. Do two of the following:
    1. Do a Good Turn for residents at a skilled nursing facility or retirement community.
    2. Invite an individual with a disability to visit your den, and discuss what activities he or she currently finds challenging or found challenging in the past.
    3. Attend a disabilities event such as a Special Olympics competition, an adaptive sports event, a performance with sign language interpretation, or an activity with service dogs. Tell your den what you thought about the experience.
    4. Talk to someone who works with people who have disabilities. Ask what that person does and how he or she helps people with disabilities.
    5. Using American Sign Language, sign the Scout Oath.
    6. With the help of an adult, contact a service dog organization, and learn the entire process from pup training to assignment to a client.
    7. Participate in a service project that focuses on a specific disability.
    8. Participate in an activity with an organization whose members are disabled

Build It

Webelos and Arrow of Light Build It Elective Adventure Pin

Complete the following requirements.

  1. Learn about some basic tools and the proper use of each tool. Learn about and understand the need for safety when you work with tools.
  2. With the guidance of your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian, select a carpentry project and build it.
  3. List the tools that you use safely as you build your project; create a list of materials needed to build your project. Put a checkmark next to the tools on your list that you used for the first time.
  4. Learn about a construction career. With your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian, visit a construction site, and interview someone working in a construction career.


Webelos and Arrow of Light Castaway Elective Adventure Pin

Complete the following requirements.

  1. Complete A. and your choice of B. or C.
    1. On a campout or outdoor activity with your den or family, cook two different recipes that do not require pots and pans.
    2. With the help of an adult, demonstrate one way to light a fire without using matches.
    3. Using tree limbs or branches that have already fallen or been cut, build a shelter that will protect you overnight.
  2. Do all of the following.
    1. Learn what items should be in an outdoor survival kit that you can carry in a small bag or box in a day pack. Assemble your own small survival kit, and explain to your den leader why the items you chose are important for survival.
    2. With your den, demonstrate two ways to treat drinking water to remove impurities.
    3. Discuss what to do if you become lost in the woods. Tell what the letters “S-T- O-P” stand for. Tell what the universal emergency signal is. Describe three ways to signal for help. Demonstrate one of them. Describe what you can do to help rescuers find you.
    4. Make a list of four qualities you think a leader should have in an emergency and why they are important to have. Pick two of them, and act them out for your den. Describe how each relates to a point of the Scout Law. Describe how working on this adventure gave you a better understanding of the Scout motto, “Be Prepared.”

Earth Rocks!

Webelos and Arrow of Light Earth Rocks Elective Adventure Pin

Complete the following requirements.

  1. Do the following:
    1. Explain the meaning of the word “geology.”
    2. Explain why this kind of science is an important part of your world.
  2. Look for different kinds of rocks or minerals while on a rock hunt with your family or your den.
  3. Do the following:
    1. Identify the rocks you see on your rock hunt. Use the information in your handbook to determine which types of rocks you have collected.
    2. With a magnifying glass, take a closer look at your collection. Determine any differences between your specimens.
    3. Share what you see with your family or den.
  4. Do the following:
    1. With your family or den, make a mineral test kit, and test minerals according to the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.
    2. Record the results in your handbook.
  5. Identify on a map of your state some geological features in your area.
  6. Do the following:
    1. Identify some of the geological building materials used in building your home.
    2. Identify some of the geological materials used around your community


Webelos and Arrow of Light Engineer Elective Adventure Pin

Complete Requirements 1 and 2. Requirements 3 and 4 are optional.

  1. Pick one type of engineer. With the help of the Internet, your local library, or an engineer, discover three things that describe what that engineer does. (To use the Internet, be sure that you have a current Cyber Chip or that you have permission from your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian.) Share your findings with your Webelos den.
  2. Learn to follow engineering design principles by doing the following:
    1. Examine a set of blueprints or specifications. Using these as a model, prepare your own set of blueprints or specifications to design a project.
    2. Using the blueprints or specifications from your own design, complete your project. Your project may be something useful or something fun.
    3. Share your project with others at a den or pack meeting.
  3. Explore other fields of engineering and how they have helped form our past, present, and future.
  4. Pick and do two projects using the engineering skills you have learned. Share your projects with your den, and also exhibit them at a pack meeting.

Game Design

Webelos and Arrow of Light Game Design Elective Adventure Pin

Complete the following requirements.

  1. Decide on the elements for a game.
  2. List at least five of the online safety rules that you put into practice while using the Internet on your computer or smartphone. Skip this if your Cyber Chip is current.
  3. Create your game.
  4. Teach an adult or another Scout how to play your game.

Into The Wild

Webelos and Arrow of Light Into The Woods Elective Adventure Pin

Complete at least six of the following requirements.

  1. Collect and care for an “insect, amphibian, or reptile zoo.” You might have crickets, ants, grasshoppers, a lizard, or a toad (but be careful not to collect or move endangered species protected by federal or state law). Study them for a while and then let them go. Share your experience with your Webelos den.
  2. Set up an aquarium or terrarium. Keep it for at least a month. Share your experience with your Webelos den by showing them photos or drawings of your project or by having them visit to see your project.
  3. Watch for birds in your yard, neighborhood, or area for one week. Identify the birds you see, and write down where and when you saw them.
  4. Learn about the bird flyways closest to your home. Find out which birds use these flyways.
  5. Watch at least four wild creatures (reptiles, amphibians, arachnids, fish, insects, or mammals) in the wild. Describe the kind of place (forest, field, marsh, yard, or park) where you saw them. Tell what they were doing.
  6. Identify an insect, reptile, bird, or other wild animal that is found only in your area of the country. Tell why it survives in your area.
  7. Give examples of at least two of the following:
    1. A producer, a consumer, and a decomposer in the food chain of an ecosystem
    2. One way humans have changed the balance of nature
    3. How you can help protect the balance of nature
  8. Learn about aquatic ecosystems and wetlands in your area. Talk with your Webelos den leader or family about the important role aquatic ecosystems and wetlands play in supporting life cycles of wildlife and humans, and list three ways you can help.
  9. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Visit a museum of natural history, a nature center, or a zoo with your family, Webelos den, or pack. Tell what you saw.
    2. Create a video of a wild creature doing something interesting, and share it with your family and den.

Into The Woods

Webelos and Arrow of Light Into the Woods Elective Adventure Pin

Complete Requirements 1-4 and one other.

  1. Identify two different groups of trees and the parts of a tree.
  2. Identify four trees common to the area where you live. Tell whether they are native to your area. Tell how both wildlife and humans use them.
  3. Identify four plants common to the area where you live. Tell which animals use them and for what purpose.
  4. Develop a plan to care for and then plant at least one plant or tree, either indoors in a pot or outdoors. Tell how this plant or tree helps the environment in which it is planted and what the plant or tree will be used for.
  5. Make a list of items in your home that are made from wood and share it with your den. Or with your den, take a walk and identify useful things made from wood.
  6. Explain how the growth rings of a tree trunk tell its life story. Describe different types of tree bark and explain what the bark does for the tree.
  7. Visit a nature center, nursery, tree farm, or park, and speak with someone knowledgeable about trees and plants that are native to your area. Explain how plants and trees are important to our ecosystem and how they improve our environment.


Webelos and Arrow of Light Sports Elective Adventure Pin

Complete the following requirements.

  1. Show the signals used by officials in one of these sports: football, basketball, baseball, soccer, or hockey.
  2. Participate in two sports, either as an individual or part of a team.
  3. Complete the following requirements:
    1. Explain what good sportsmanship means.
    2. Role-play a situation that demonstrates good sportsmanship.
    3. Give an example of a time when you experienced or saw someone showing good sportsmanship.

How to verify an out of Council Merit Badge Counselor.

First, try to connect the Scout and counselor in Scoutbook. If that is successful, the counselor is registered and qualified. If unsuccessful, go to the counselor’s home council and search for their Advancement Administrators. Most will have an email address for either the Council Advancement Committee or Professional Advisor. Send an email asking if the counselor has been registered and qualified for the merit badge(s) in question and the status of their Youth Protection Training. Ask California councils if the counselor has completed AB506 training and LiveScan. The unit leader’s “blue card” signature verifies their counselor credentials verification.


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow